* We do use OpenVpn protocol (not like thousands of other applications that provide you unencrypted proxy connection).
* We USE AES128-GCM and tls-auth.
* We do have fast servers that allow you to stream/watch hd content (if you ISP speed allows)
* Hide your real IP to avoid censorship and Bans in your Region
* Most messangers, websites and stream-services checked to be un-banned
* Encrypted channel provides you protection against eavesdropping governments and malicious agents.
* Allows you to bypass some of the free hotspot authorization mechanisms.
* Secure your access to public and open Wi-Fi hotspots with true encryption
* 100% free
* Speed up your internet access as our servers are Blazing Faaaaast!
* "Pro" subscription version available. Use of AES256 and much more secure and fast.
visit our site for details. https://neutrol.pw
* Simple design - just one button click - and you are secured!
* 100%免费
*加速您的互联网访问,因为我们的服务器是Blazing Faaaaast!
访问我们的网站了解详情。 https://neutrol.pw
*简单的设计 - 只需点击一下按钮 - 您就安全了!